ICICI Questions Based on Mental Ability

1. EAA : JEE : OJJ   : TOO :…….
A. UAA            B. YTT            C. UYY     D. ZII               E. None of these
answer :   B. YTT
2. ABCU : ACBV : BCAW : BACX : CBAY : …………..
A. ACBZ            B. CABZ C. BCAZ D. CBAZ E. None of these
answer : B. CABZ
3. Drama  : Director : : Magazine : :……
A. Publisher            B. Editor  C. Reader            D. Printer E. None of these
answer :  B. Editor
4. Bombay : Maharashtra  : Bhopal ::…….
A. Karnataka             B. Andhra Pradesh                     C. Madhya Pradesh
D. Nagaland              E. None of these
answer :  C. Bhopal : Madhaya Pradesh
5. In the series BFJN ___ which letter comes next?
A. R                 B. Q                C. S                D. T                E. None of these
Answer : A. R
6. If KPM represents LON, then RTNJM represents _________
A. STPON            B. SSOIN            C. SSIKN            D. SUKIN            E. None of these
Answer : B. SSOIN
7. Gram is to weight as meter is to_____
A. Inch B. Cloth   C. Measurement   D. Distance    E. None of these
Answer : D. distance
8. If an agent supplies 25 tables and 25 chairs for Rs 17,500. he will supply 10 tables and 10 chairs for
A. Rs 7,000            B. Rs 10,000              C. Rs.15000     D. Rs.3500            E. None of these
Answer : A. The required amount  = 17500  x  10 =  Rs.7000
9 . If 5 worker working 7 hours a day finish the work in 4 days, then one worker working 10 hours a day can finish the same work in
A. 8 days             B. 10 days    C. 20 days    D. 14 days    E. None of these
Answer : D. The required period = 5×7x4  = 14 days
10. Sun is to Night as fish is to ______
A. Lake             B. Sea            C. Land   D. Water  E. None of these
Answer : D. Land

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